let me clarify that I’m not a scrooge and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE giving gifts to
other people; especially my family. Money or credit cards aren’t the issue. I can choose any time to go and spend money
however & whenever I decide and I can also choose to rack up debt that will
take me forever to pay off. The thing
that breaks my heart is what Christmas has come to represent; nothing but materialism. And
let’s not forget how outrageous people become over an item they want; even to
the point of physically hurting others.
Seriously folks; is this what Christmas is all about? When I look around and see so many hurting
people; humbled by the life they live, while others with plenty continue to
want more than what they can imagine, it robs my heart from the joy of giving.
are reminded in Matthew
6:19-21 NLT “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat
them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in
heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and
steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of
your heart will also be.”
And so I ask –
are You, God, in all our plans? Where is
Your Son in this joyous celebration?
Have we really strayed that far away from You that we've forgotten the
true reason we celebrate Christmas? Oh,
God, how You must feel robbed; robbed from the joy of giving us Your One and
Only Son. You sacrificed Your Son in
order that we would be forgiven of our sins and live in eternity with You one
are You, Jesus, in all our plans? Wasn’t it You that was born in a humble
manager; You who walked the earth forgiving & healing others; You who were
beaten & whipped beyond human recognition; You who were crucified on a
cross and bore the sins of this world? Oh, Jesus, how You must feel robbed; robbed
from the joy of giving us Your all so that we could be joint heirs with
You. Isn’t it Your birthday we are
are You, Holy Spirit, in all our plans? Are You just as grieved by what you see;
grieved that we ignore Your direction; grieved that we turn a deaf ear to Your
voice? Oh, Holy Spirit, how You must
feel robbed; robbed from the joy of giving us Your comfort; helping us thru
situations we got ourselves into simply because we did not heed to Your
Father….Thank You for all You’ve given me; Your Son, Jesus!!!!! He is the best gift I’ve ever received!!!!!
Birthday!” You are My everything and I
celebrate YOU!!!!!
Spirit……You are and will always be….my Comforter! I wouldn’t want to live my life without
I am
truly blessed and have all I need because I have my Father, His Son, Jesus and
the Holy Spirit. What more could I ask
be robbed from the joy of giving this year!
time and celebrate Jesus and be sure to share Him with those around you!
blessed my family & friends. Praying
you walk in the Lord’s total favor!
Love you all!
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