Sunday, May 6, 2012

My Sheep Hear My Voice

Monday evenings our church has prayer night and as usual, I was in a rush to get home from work, change my clothes and head out for my special time with the Lord.  After washing my hands, I realized my engagement ring & wedding band were both extremely loose and almost decided to take them off for the evening, but ended up wearing them anyway.   It was the night before I left on vacation; had a million things on my mind; upset with one of our daughters and even a bit miffed at my husband over another issue we were discussing.  But none the less, I knew without doubt that I needed to get before the Lord, have one on one time with Him; and allow His voice to calm my spirit man. 

As I drove into town, I came to a stop light, glanced at my hand and noticed my wedding band was missing.  I quickly called home and asked them to search the house & outside area leading to where my car was parked.  Once I arrived to church, as I sought the Lord, I asked him to help me find my ring.  Calmness came over me as I continued to pray.  My heart was distraught over loosing the ring, but I refused to go buy another one; believing the Lord would help me find the one I lost.  For the next 2 weeks I continued to search everywhere; yet still no ring. 
This past Saturday morning the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said, “Clean your purse” and immediately the thought went thru my mind that I would find my ring.  Yet, my only response back to Him was, “Clean my purse, really?  Yea, ok.”  To be honest, I blew it off because I knew there was no way my ring could be in my purse since I leave my purse home on Monday evenings.  Eventually, I got side tracked and forgot about it all together.  Later in the evening, I was reminded by the Holy Spirit to clean my purse and again my ring went thru my mind.  My purse was a disaster and I was feeling lazy, so I just tilted my purse, literally shook it up a bit and attempted to run my hand thru the bottom in hopes to find my ring; yet still nothing but junk, mixed in with my wallet & check book.  After staring at it a bit longer, I finally decided to clean it.   When my purse was just about empty, I looked inside to see what else needed to be tossed out and believe it or not, there lying in the bottom of my purse was my wedding band. I could feel my eyes widen, my jaw drop and I was absolutely speechless.   Emotions ran wild as I sought forgiveness for ignoring His voice and yet so grateful He blessed me despite of my disobedience & procrastination.
The Holy Spirit kept leading me to my ring all day and I ignored Him.  How foolish!  If only I had obeyed immediately when He spoke, I would have found my ring earlier in the morning.  Sad part is, I know His voice; I knew it was Him prompting me; and still I chose to disobey because I doubted His leading.
Knowing the Lord’s voice is dependent on my relationship with Him.  A relationship with others always involves 2 or more people.  So the truth is that I can’t expect a relationship with the Lord unless I allow Him to converse back to me as well.  King David gives us a good example to follow in Psalm 62:5 (NKJV) My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.”  In other words, King David didn't have a one sided conversation. He could have dominated the conversation, but instead, he respected the Lord enough to allow Him to answer.
So there you have it! The choice is ours; as is the decision to obey His voice.  What about prayers; those that seem to go unanswered?  Just a thought; maybe His answer was ignored.  Or maybe you don't know the Lord’s voice because you don’t have a personal relationship with Him or it could be you just need a fresh start with Him.  Let me encourage you that it’s as easy as saying & believing this simple prayer.
 “Father, forgive me where I have sinned against You.  I believe that Jesus is Your One and Only Son; that He was born of a virgin; rejected by man; bruised for my iniquities; was crucified, died & was buried; but on the 3rd day rose again in hope that I would have eternal life in Your kingdom.  Father, I desire a relationship with you. Remove spiritual blinders from my eyes and spiritual deafness from my ears; so that I would be able to respond quickly to the leading & direction of Your Holy Spirit.  Use me in ways that would glorify You; in Jesus name. Amen.” 
If you prayed this little prayer, you’re on your way to an amazing relationship with a Sovereign God who will lead & direct your ever step.  And remember, as He speaks to your heart; be quick to respond because your flesh will convince you differently if you don’t.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.John 10:27 (ESV)
It’s that simple folks!
And now I close with this my dear family & friends -
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him,” Ephesians 1:16-17 (ESV)
The voice of the Holy Spirit; He never ceases to amaze me!!!!
Be blessed my family & friends!  Walk in the Lord’s total favor!

Love you all,

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